Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Yikes! Has it really been a year since I posted?  I was reading down my posts and notice one of the last ones was waiting for Jujubean to have her babies, now we are waiting for her baby to have a baby!

Yikes! Could also be what I say when I look around my house.  What a disaster.  I really need some motivation.  My oldest son returns from India April 30th and wouldn't it be nice to have the house in order before he returns?  So I am taking the MoneysavingMom.com 30 day challenge, you can read about it here http://moneysavingmom.com/2013/03/join-us-for-the-30-day-house-cleaning-challenge-in-april.html  Let me know if you join me!

Here's where the list is coming from if you want to see the whole concept and list http://www.freshandorganized.com/2013/02/the-31-day-house-cleaning-routine.html

OK so day 1 is surface clean livingroom and kitchen.  Good I have stuff that just needs to get put away!